
Showing posts from July, 2011

how to submit a Ext.form.Panel to a specified URL with params?

var panel = Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', { id: 'businessUnit-form', url: 'createNewBusinessUnitForList.htm', ..... .... ..... }); formCmp.getForm().submit({ method:'POST', params:{ id: id, status: status, articles: aArticles }, ... ... });

Change Proxy URL dynamically

someStore.getProxy().url = "xxxxx"; someStote.load(); ext 4.0.2a

Can you help me to do this? - extjs4.0.2a problem

Following I have given you the source code. There I am doing my update to the database by simply double click on the row and then when I am going to delete a record it will return a message as there have a data violation. up to this level the program is working in well manner. But the problem is after that delete , if I go to update any record, the proxy executes update and then destroy(delete) again. For your further ref - when I remove some records from this store without page refreshing, it seems that all previous deleted items are stored somewhere and sended to servlet on every new update. When I refresh page, first update is ok, but any next update again after removing a record accumulate previous removed records. What I do wrong and how I can fix it? ====CODE==== ============ /* Ext JS 4.0.2a */ Ext.require(['*', 'Ext.grid.*', 'Ext.dd.*']); Ext.define('StakeholderType', { extend: '', field...

ExtJS, Spring MVC 3 and Hibernate 3.5: CRUD DataGrid Example

GUI sample for grid panel with extjs 4.0.2a


Sample extjs code for creating a proxy between a data store at client side and backend.

extjs 4.0.2a example.. ======This should be overriden globally for use ==============={ actionMethods : { create : 'POST', read : 'GET', update : 'POST', destroy: 'POST' } }); =============================================================== var jsonReader = Ext.create('',{ root: 'data', totalProperty: 'total', successProperty: 'success', idProperty: 'stakeholderTypeId', messageProperty: 'message' },StakeholderType); var jsonWriter = Ext.create('',{ root: 'data', encode: true, writeAllFields: true }); var proxy = Ext.create('',{ api: { read : 'stakeholderTypeView.htm', update : 'stakeholderTypeEdit.htm', destroy : 'stakeholderTypeDelete.htm' }, r...

Do you have really tired of finding a well suited and speedy UI framework?

Then what about extjs 4.0.x??? It's a powerful framework with RESTful support. Just try it..

What if distributed web application is deployed in container under multiple jvms when a client request is recieved?

Is it creating threads from each jvm for a one request????? it's simple.... there u will be created multiple threads from each jvm but still there have only one servlet instance for the container. Are you sure this answer??? No problem if I am wrong becos u r the job finder..pls. google this now it self.