
Showing posts from 2012

RabbitMQ Queue

important linux commands

tar zxvf watchdog-0.5.4.tar.gz wget sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start sudo a2ensite siteTobeActivated sudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-available/siteName

Python API library and shell utilities to monitor file system events.

5)WATCHDOG -        Installation steps watchdog on windows          - download this file -          - And execute it through command prompt as - python install          - Then install watchdog on windows - pip install watchdog

How to setup your development environment on linux??

If we look at the get installations of those packages are very easy. you have to use debian command called 'sudo apt-get install' for all of above packages first except for python. In linux 11.10 python 2.7 has been included, so you do not need to worry about that.                               If you couldn't get installations from above command use following way, 1) wget ' ' 2) sudo tar xzvf ' .tar.gz' 3) cd ' ' 4) python install or                 ./configure                  sudo make                  sudo make install 5)Then start to deploy your project into the apache server 6)If you have...

Python 2.7 for web come up with linux 11.10

Needed followimg tools- linux 11.10 (oneiric ocelot) eclipse with pydev plugin Django 1.3.1 framework setuptools for python 2.7 mysqldb for python 2.7 PIL(Python imaging library) for python 2.7 apache2 mod_wsgi for apache

what is helps to locate the python moudle location. It's important when you are doing an import a module to another module.

Speed of compiled python file.....

As an important speed-up of the start-up time for short programs that use a lot of standard modules, if a file called "spam.pyc" exists in the directory where "" is found, this is assumed to contain an already-``byte-compiled'' version of the module spam. The modification time of the version of "" used to create "spam.pyc" is recorded in "spam.pyc", and the file is ignored if these don't match. Normally, you don't need to do anything to create the "spam.pyc" file. Whenever "" is successfully compiled, an attempt is made to write the compiled version to "spam.pyc". It is not an error if this attempt fails; if for any reason the file is not written completely, the resulting "spam.pyc" file will be recognized as invalid and thus ignored later. The contents of the "spam.pyc" file is platform independent, so a Python module directory can be shared by mac...

Features of python

Easy-to-learn Easy-to-read Easy-to-maintain A broad standard library Interactive Mode Portable Extendable Databases GUI Programming Scalable

Python Programming

A programming language with strong similarities to PERL, but with powerful typing and object oriented features. Commonly used for producing HTML content on websites. Great for text files. Useful built-in types (lists, dictionaries). Clean syntax, powerful extensions. Natural Language ToolKit Ease of use; interpreter AI Processing: Symbolic Python’s built-in datatypes for strings, lists, and more. Java or C++ require the use of special classes for this. AI Processing: Statistical Python has strong numeric processing capabilities: matrix operations, etc. Suitable for probability and machine learning code.

Convert WSDL to JAVA - Apacahe CXF

Maven properties Guide

Spring all samples

Developing a simple SOAP-webservice using Spring 3.0.1 and Apache CXF 2.2.6

Checkout the example project from here.......;;;; *How To Fix LinkageError when using JAXB with JDK 1.6 If you run across an error like this when trying to use JAXB: java.lang.LinkageError: JAXB 2.0 API is being loaded from the bootstrap classloader, but this RI (from jar:file:/somedirectory/jaxb-impl.jar!/com/sun/xml/bind/v2/model/impl/ModelBuilder.class) needs 2.1 API. Use the endorsed directory mechanism to place jaxb-api.jar in the bootstrap classloader. (See It's actually a very simple fix, but painful enough to warrant a post. Put the jaxb-api.jar that you're trying to use into JDK_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed. If the endorsed directory doesn't exist, make it. This is apparently only a problem with JDK 1.6, not with JDK 1.5. *The recommended way is to define the JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS environmenta...
The above code is related with a hotel booking screen. When you want to review your booking details the state of the flow will be changed to the reviewBooking view state. And the transitions above are mapped to other view states.

Web flow...

Spring Web flow is just like a session but behavior is bit different

What is a spring web-flow?

Many web applications require the same sequence of steps to execute in different contexts. Often these sequences are merely components of a larger task the user is trying to accomplish. Such a reusable sequence is called a flow. Consider a typical shopping cart application.User registration,login,and cart checkout are all examples of flows that can beinvoked from several places in this type of application. Spring Web Flow is the module of Spring for implementing flows.The Web Flow engine plugs into the Spring Web MVC platform and provides declarative flow definition language.

Why we use Spring core for software developments? Do we nessary it?

No. But Spring core provide a reconfigurable xml which supports for change objects dependencies externally without bulk code changes. That's the main advantage of using spring core.