
Let's try to build scrum masters/project managers/software architects/even a company with training AI models

The concept: The basic concept is to build trained AI model for each role separately in scalable fashion within a private cloud. As an example to train a scrum master as an AI component, we have to probably feed good knowledge of day to day tasks of a scrum master. Apart from that the model need to aware how scrum master manage the SCRUM board in the relevant tool stack eg: JIRA. One pod within the Kubernetes cluster can be considered as a one scrum master per a team. Likewise we have some sort of ability to maintain a good knowledge base as a source of training data. Apart from these steps, we need to think about how to simulate speaking and handling, commanding and escalating in the meetings, The end goal of this conceptual project is to fully automate the software life cycle and fine grain the each responsibilities of scrum masters, project managers, software architects, CTO and CEO. however the each role should be backed by a single human being. The ultimate goal of this project to

Chat with PDF, TXT, and CSV privately (PrivateGPT) suitable for more data sensitive organisations (To be reviewed)

 The newly introduced PrivateGPT is a production ready and most suitable for the organisations who handles extremely sensitive data as per their documentation. To be carefully considered. To find out more information.

Problem Solving: Allotment calculator

 Problem Statement: Suppose the Government plans to issue up to $10,000 of Savings Bonds. Four individuals applied for a total of $18,000 of Savings Bonds: A ($2,000), B ($4,000) C ($5,500) and D ($6,500). The available bonds will be spread out among as many investors as possible in the following manner: Applications are filled in denominations of $500 upwards. After Round 4, $8,000 of Savings Bonds have been allotted, and Investor A's application has been fully met. $2,000 of Savings Bonds are left. In Round 5, $1,500 of Savings Bonds are allotted. In Round 6, the remaining $500 is insufficient to fill all applications. One person among Investor B, Investor C and Investor D is randomly allotted the remaining $500. In this case, Investor C gets it. The cutoff amount in this case is $2,500. In the final allotment: Investor A is allotted $2,000. Investor B and Investor D get $2,500 each. Investor C gets $3,000. limitations: 1. The minimum individual investment amount is $500 2. The m

Supersonic, Subatomic Cloud Native gRPC endpoint implementation with Quarkus

Quarkus gRPC Service Implementation from the scratch Requirement In order to produce most reliable, fast and maintainable products we can use Quarkus ( Supersonic, Subatomic Cloud Native Java Framework) as a foundational technology for our backend services. Our task it to use [Quarkus]( and [gRPC]( to build a microservice running in [Kubernetes]( with the following capabilities: 1. The microservice should expose APIs for Smart Models and Smart Features 2. Smart Model is a generic model which can be used to describe your favourite Services and IoT    Devices. Think about the following examples for: - Devices: Smart Watch, Remotely Controllable Camera, etc - Services: Open Weather Map, IMDB Movie Database, etc 3. Smart Feature is a specific feature of this smart model which describes one functionality. we can    consider following examples for: - Devices: Take Camera Screenshot, Get Camera Live Video URL, Get Calories burned for

Climate Change News from all over the world through API

 Free Public API - Climate Change News Hello developers, here is a simple API to include in the product that supports you to retrieve climate change news around the globe within a few seconds. Rapid API - climate change news This is a really simple to use API which helps you to find out the latest climate change news around the globe within seconds. it provides two endpoints to retrieve the climate change news: Retrieve all the climate change news at once - eg: http://{rapid-api-host}/api/news Retrieve all the climate change news from individual sources - eg: http://{rapid-api-host}/api/news/guardian for now, we are supporting the following individual sources - I. guardian II. thetimes III. telegraph IV. nasa V. dailymail VI. nypost VII. cnn Remember to include the required headers by rapid API in order to make everything smooth. Thank you for consuming the climate change news API for your valuable product.

Microsoft Azure + Spring Cloud Sample application from the scratch

  Objectives In this post, we will: Set up an Azure Spring Cloud cluster Configure a Spring Cloud Config Server Use a Spring Cloud Discovery Server Configure service binding Create and deploy a Spring Boot microservice Create and deploy a Spring Cloud Gateway Prerequisites Azure CLI Java 8  and an IDE cURL  or a similar HTTP utility Check version of Azure CLI, use Git bash to execute az --version az login # Sign into an azure account az account show # See the currently signed-in account. az account set --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION_ID> az extension add -n spring-cloud -y #If you haven't added this extension yet add it. Congratulations, the Azure CLI is now ready to create your first cluster! Create an Azure Spring Cloud instance RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME=spring-cloud-sample-rsgrp SPRING_CLOUD_NAME=azure-spring-cloud-unique9563 az group create \ -g " $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME " \ -l eastus az spring-cloud create \ -g " $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME " \ -n &q