Let's try to build scrum masters/project managers/software architects/even a company with training AI models

The concept:

The basic concept is to build trained AI model for each role separately in scalable fashion within a private cloud. As an example to train a scrum master as an AI component, we have to probably feed good knowledge of day to day tasks of a scrum master. Apart from that the model need to aware how scrum master manage the SCRUM board in the relevant tool stack eg: JIRA.

One pod within the Kubernetes cluster can be considered as a one scrum master per a team. Likewise we have some sort of ability to maintain a good knowledge base as a source of training data.

Apart from these steps, we need to think about how to simulate speaking and handling, commanding and escalating in the meetings, The end goal of this conceptual project is to fully automate the software life cycle and fine grain the each responsibilities of scrum masters, project managers, software architects, CTO and CEO. however the each role should be backed by a single human being.

The ultimate goal of this project to setup your own organisation as an entrepreneur by training an AI based pods instead of a staff. so when you need to grow your organisation, you can increase the pods too.

The tools maybe:

Azure OpenAI
Apache NLP
Spring Web Socket/ REST
Azure Kubernetes

The strategy:

The most critical part of this project is how to do. Let's explore and analyse a bit, how we can make this concept a reality. 


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